The Value of Context: Using Cyber Threat Intelligence to Increase Security Effectiveness
Cyber threat intelligence is an essential capability in an organization’s security program. Used properly, it can enable better-informed security and business decisions and ultimately allow organizations to take decisive action to protect their users, data and reputation against adversaries.
Almost every information security vendor offers a form of threat intelligence, but not all intelligence offers the same value. If you cannot recognize their limitations your business may be at risk.
Our latest ebook, THE VALUE OF CONTEXT: Using Cyber Threat Intelligence to Increase Security Effectiveness, shows how to differentiate threat data from true cyber security intelligence to gain greater visibility into the threats that matter to your business. It covers:
- The difference between information and cyber threat intelligence
- Signature and reputation feeds
- Threat data feeds
- How to change your security posture from reactive to proactive with cyber threat intelligence
Get the ebook today.