Cyber Threat Profile – The Centerpiece of Intelligence-Led Programs

Apr 14, 2021
43 Min

Title: Cyber Threat Profile – The Centerpiece of Intelligence-Led Programs

Presenters: Igors Konovalovs | Director - GSS Sales, Asia Pacific, FireEye

Date: On-Demand


A cyber threat profile enables organizations to benchmark and understand risks as a function of internal operations against the evolving threat landscape. Integrating a dynamic cyber threat profile into an organization’s sustainable workflow also better equips them to identify key priorities for further investment using an intelligence-led approach to cyber security.

Join Igors Konovalovs, Director, GSS Sales, Asia Pacific, FireEye, to learn why a cyber threat profile should be the centerpiece of any intelligence-led program. Specifically, the discussion will offer:

  • Industry case studies and best practices for developing a dynamic cyber threat profile
  • How to use a cyber threat profile to identify threats that matter most
  • Ways to maintain a cyber threat profiles as part of an intelligence-led security program

Be sure to check out all of the sessions in our FireEye Mandiant Virtual Summit 2021, Innovation Forward. A New Era of Resilience. - Live on April 13-15. https://virtualsummit.fireeye.com/

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