Improve Program Effectiveness through Security Transformation

Apr 24, 2021
20 Min

Title: Improve Program Effectiveness through Security Transformation

Presenters: Nicholas Bennett, Managing Director, Mandiant Consulting; John M. DeLozier, Sr. Technical Director, Mandiant Consulting

Date: On-Demand


With the chance of an attacker affecting more organizations today—notably around ransomware progression and the shift to remote work—your security function is continually challenged to keep pace with incident prevention, detection and response.

Transformation timelines often occur in two ways: proactive action to mitigate future threats, or reactive measures to remediate an existing incident—the latter can be detrimental. It’s imperative for security teams to develop and mature their security posture through capability improvement across four key areas: security architecture, cyber defense, governance and risk management.

In this session, you'll learn how Mandiant helps organizations conduct transformational changes of critical security functions and staff readiness through hands-on support across these critical areas. We’ll also share a roadmap of our new transformation services on the horizon.

For the full Cyber Summit 2020 event program, please visit: https://www.fireeye.com/company/events/cyber-summit-2020.html

Watch on Demand