A Review of Cyber Resilience -- Past, Present, and Future

Jun 20, 2019
44 Min

Title: A Review of Cyber Resilience -- Past, Present, and Future

Presenters: Rob van der Ende, VP APJ, FireEye Mandiant & Naureen Rasul, Head of Cyber Practice Asia, Marsh Pacific

Date: On-Demand


Rapidly evolving threats and infiltration techniques have rendered traditional cyber defense strategies insufficient and ineffective. The emerging threat vectors and speed of change amplified by the digital transformation cannot be addressed by traditional means. Globally, laws are also changing to keep pace as cybercrime evolves, knowing no boundaries. Therefore, organizations must be nimble and agile to keep pace with policy changes, especially when expanding across different jurisdictions

Join us as we discuss three strategic imperatives to strengthen cyber resilience:

  • Understand (know your threats) – Identify organization- and industry-specific cyber threats and regulations calls for robust strategies that include cross-disciplinary considerations.
  • Measure (know yourself) – Quantify the potential financial impact of cyber exposures to compare against the level of risk appetite acceptable to the board. This will determine the amount of investment necessary to mitigate and transfer any residual risk.
  • Manage (know what you can do) – Proactively manage cyber risks by having clear action plans based on your capabilities and capacities to protect against cyber criminals.

While cyber-attacks are inevitable, proper preparation is the essential element that sets resilient organizations apart from the rest in managing risk, minimizing damage, and recovering quickly from any incidents.

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