Security Validation: Remove Assumptions, Prove Security Every Day

Jun 09, 2021
63 Min
Security Effectiveness

Title: Security Validation: Remove Assumptions, Prove Security Every Day

Presenters: Mike Batten, EMEA VP, Sales Engineering; Gregg Gerber, EMEA VP, Global Solution Specialists; David Grout, EMEA CTO

Event Details: On-Demand


Why security validation is critical in maintaining or improving your brand reputation and market position.

The need to validate security is clear: many organizations are not as secure as they think they are, attacks are increasing in sophistication, budgets are under scrutiny and adversaries are rapidly morphing their tactics. To outmaneuver highly motivated cyber criminals, organizations need to safely test their security programs with real attacks that they are likely to be facing daily to expose and remediate gaps in their defenses.

Join this panel to learn more about how Intelligence-driven Security Validation programs can effectively test and adapt to an ever-changing threat landscape.

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