Threat Intelligence and the Modern Attack

Oct 06, 2022
60 Min

Title: Threat Intelligence and the Modern Attack

Presenters: Patrick Donahue, VP, Product, Cloudflare Robert Wallace, Sr. Director, Mandiant

Time: On-Demand


To achieve cyber readiness, organizations require ways for IT and security teams to not only learn about threat actors, their motivations, and their techniques, but also to build effective internal policies to activate that knowledge.

Join us for a conversation with experts, Robert Wallace, Sr. Director, Mandiant and Patrick Donahue, VP, Product, Cloudflare as they share how the threat intelligence partnership between Cloudflare and Mandiant can help ensure cyber readiness, providing organizations with the specific information on threats and attackers they need to secure their critical assets.

We will discuss the need for threat intelligence that is:

  • Relevant to the specific organization/team using the intelligence
  • Actionable so that security teams can make informed decisions using threat intelligence
  • Contextual to provide enough supporting data to enable intelligence analysts to effectively rank and triage a threat.

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