
Webinar - How to launch a threat hunting program

Apr 27, 2023
60 Min
Threat Hunting

Title: Webinar - How to launch a threat hunting program

Presenters: Nader Zaveri

Date and Time: On-Demand


Security teams need to be more proactive about finding threats before they can cause too much damage. How do these enterprises build threat hunting programs? What stakeholders needs to be involved? What skills are necessary for the threat hunting team? In this Dark Reading webinar, a top expert discusses the process for building a threat hunting program and what tools they need. Get practical tips on questions to ask and processes to build out as part of getting started.

During this webinar you will:

  • Get advice on how to get a new program off the ground.
  • Find out what resources are required to get a threat hunting program launched, and where to find them.
  • Gain insight into the latest tools and tricks used by the some of the world’s top threat hunters.

Watch on Demand